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Translation Memory Options - Batch UsageTranslation Memory Options - Batch Usage

Use this sheet to specify the how translation memories are used when using in a batch mode.


Specifies the scope. Possible values are:

Value Description
All rows
Soluling translates all rows of the project.
Only rows in the current view Soluling translates only the rows that are selected in the current view.

Usage options

Specifies how translations are searched from translation memories.

If Use country neutral translations when translating a sub-language is checked, translation memory also uses country-neutral languages when translating a country-specific language. For example, you have an English (United States) column (language id "en-US") in the project. When translation memory translates a string, it initially looks for translations with "en-US" language id. If no match is found, then the translation memory also searches translations with "en" code.

Use country-specific translations when translating the main language is similar to the above but is applies when translation country neutral language. If checked, translation memory also uses country-specific languages when translating a country-neutral language. For example, you have an English column (language id en) in the project. When translation memory translates a string, it initially looks for translations with en language id. If no match is found, then the translation memory also searches translations with "en-*" code such as "en-US" and "en-GB".

Use translations of the same language, but a different country is an extension of Use country neutral translations when translating a sub-language option. If checked, translation memory also uses translations belonging to the same language but a different country. For example, you have an English (United States) column (language id "en-US") in the project. When translation memory translates a string, it initially looks for translations with "en-US" language id. If no match is found, then the translation memory also searches translations with "en-*" code such as "en-GB" and "en-CA".

If Use bidirectional search is checked, translation memory uses translations in addition to original as source values. If unchecked, original values are only used. Read more about this here.

If Add matching special characters is checked, translation memory injects the missing special characters that are in the original string but not in the translation memory string.


Specifies if fuzzy or reduced matchings are used and, if used, how they are used.

Check Use reduced matching to use reduced matching to find a matching string. The default value is checked.

Check Use fuzzy matching to use fuzzy matching to find a matching string. The default value is checked.

Fuzzy percent specifies the fuzzy matching percentage that you want to use. The fuzzy match percentage of strings must be equal or higher to the percentage set here. If several items reach this percentage, then the application chooses the one that is highest (batch mode) or let the user to select (interactive mode). The default value is 70%. It means that all fuzzy matches greater or equal to 70% are counted.

Max count specifies the maximum fuzzy result count. When finding suitable matches, Soluling stops when the result count reaches this max count.

The Filter specifies if the fuzzy process is using filtering. Calculating a fuzzy percentage is a rather complicated task. If it is done for all available items, it might slow down the process. So filtering is done. It reduces the amount of fuzzy calculation needed. Possible filter values are:

Value Description
Low filter (Slow)
Default. Minimal filtering is done. Soluling calculates fuzzy matches for the likely possible items. It might slow the process, but the result is the most accurate.
Medium filter (Faster) Some filtering is done. Soluling calculates fuzzy matches only for suitable candidates. This is faster than above but might not detect all matches.
High filter (Fastest) A lot of filtering is done. Soluling calculates fuzzy matches for only for the most suitable candidates. This is the fastest but might not detect all matches.

Set the status of translated strings

When a user accepts a translation given by a translation memory, the application sets the initial status of the translation. This specifies what initial value is used. Possible values are:

Value Description
Default value
If the match equal or greater than the value specified in the Auto translated threshold field, then the status is set to Auto translated. Otherwise, status is set to Best guess.
Set the same status as the translation in the translation memory Each translation in the translation memory has a status. This status is used.
Set status to Status is set to a value specified by the following combo box.