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WiX Localization and Internationalization

WiX Localization and Internationalization

Windows Installer XML Tooleset (WiX, wikipedia) is a toolset that builds Windows Installer packages from XML code. Soluling localization tool and service support Wix.

WiX localization process

WiX intaller applications are written in XML and compiled to Microsoft Installed files (.msi).



Project file localization


Language file localization

Comments in WiX language files

There is no standard way to attach comment for string resource in WiX. The string resources are flat XML files that contain name and value:

<String Id="hello">Hello World</String>

The id of the above string is "hello" and value is "Hello World". In many case it would be good to have additional information for translator. Soluling lets you do that by using comments. You can just add comment element before the element value.

<String Id="hello"><!-- This is a comment -->Hello World</String>

The comment element can be also after the value element.

<String Id="hello">Hello World<!-- This is a comment --></String>

See GitHub and <data-dir>\Samples\Wix\Driving sample to see how to use comments.

WiX Samples

GitHub and <data-dir>\Samples\Wix contains following WiX sample directories:

Directory Description
Driving A simple localized WiX sample. Study this first.

Configuring WiX Project File Localization

You create a Wix project file localization project by adding a Wix project file (e.g. D:\Sample\Sample.wixproj) into your Soluling project. You can configure how to localize your Wix project file by selecting the item in the project tree, right-clicking, and choosing the Options menu. A source dialog appears that lets you edit the options. This source uses the following option sheets.

Configuring WiX Language File Localization

You create a Wix project file localization project by adding a Wix language file (e.g. D:\Sample\Sample.wxl) into your Soluling project. You can configure how to localize your Wix language file by selecting the item in the project tree, right-clicking, and choosing the Options menu. A source dialog appears that lets you edit the options. This source uses the following option sheets.