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Write options

Write options

Use this sheet to specify how localized SVG files are written.


Specifies the active configuration. You can add any number of configurations. This makes it possible to create multiple output files with different properties easily.


Specifies how localized files are written. Possible values are:

Value Description
Embed localized media data such as images, audio and video

If checked, localized media data (e.g., images, audio, and video) is always embedded inside localized SVG files.
If unchecked and the original media data is a local file then Soluling first creates a localized media file and refers that file in the localized SVG file.

Add direction attribute if required

If checked, Soluling will add direction attribute (if not already there) when required. This means that if the original file did not have the direction attribute, then those localized files that contains right-to-left language will have direction attribute added make flow direction right-to-left.
If unchecked, not direction attributes are added.
Use Options sheet to configure how to handle existing direction attributes.