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.NET Compact Framework Localization and Internationalization

.NET Compact Framework Localization and Internationalization

.NET Compact Framework (Wikipedia) uses the same localization process as Windows Forms. Soluling localization tool and service support .NET Compact.


<data-dir>\Samples\NETCompact contains following .NET Compact Framework samples:

Directory Description Notes
Driving Shows how to internationalize and localize a .NET Compact Framework application.
Original Original English driving application that has not been internationalized.
Localized Internationalized and localized driving application.
Try this first!
ConsoleSample Shows how to localize a console application.  
WinForms Shows how to localize a .NET Compact Framework application using Windows Forms.  

Samples.sln is a Visual Studio 2013 solution file that contains all the above samples. Samples are written in Visual Studio 2013 but the files are compatible to Visual Studio 2010 and 2015. Each project directory contains a Soluling project file that localizes the assembly found in the release directory of the project (i.e. bin\Release).

All samples work with .NET Compact 3.9.

Note! Each Windows Embedded Compact platform uses its own SDK and device. If you find that Soluling does not support you device you need to send your SDK and device to us.