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Soluling contains several wizards that make Soluling easier to use. The application contains the following wizards:

  Wizard Description
Project wizard Project Wizard

A wizard that creates a new project. The wizard lets the user select a source for the project. Wizard has these variants:

File Project Wizard A project wizard that selects a file source
Directory Project Wizard A project wizard that selects a directory source
Database Project Wizard A project wizard that selects a database source
Source wizard Source Wizard

A wizard that adds a new source into an existing project. Wizard has these variants:

File Source Wizard A source wizard that selects a file source
Directory Source Wizard A source wizard that selects a directory source
Database Source Wizard A source wizard that selects a database source
Send to translator Translate Wizard A wizard that creates translation packages, uploads projects, and keeps track of your translation process.
Import wizard Import Wizard

A wizard that imports translations into a project or translation memory. Wizard has two variants:

File Import Wizard A project wizard that imports from a file
Database Import Wizard A project wizard that imports from a database
Export Wizard Export Wizard A wizard that exports a project, a part of the project, or a translation memory into a file such as text, TMX, XLIFF, or Excel file.
Send to translator Create Translation Package Wizard A wizard that creates a translation package to be sent for translators.
Glossary Wizard Glossary Wizard

A wizard that attaches a new glossary into the application. Wizard has these variants:

Local Glossary Wizard A glossary wizard that creates an editable locale glossary
File Glossary Wizard A glossary wizard that attaches a read-only file glossary
Database Glossary Wizard A glossary wizard that attaches a read-only database glossary