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Grid Options

Grid Options

Use this sheet to configure grid options.

Property Description
Show absolute contexts If checked, show the full context. If unchecked, show only the relative part of the context.
Next cell down will be automatically selected after committing a cell editing by pressing Enter key If checked, the next cell will be automatically selected after you have committed cell editing by pressing the Enter key.
Gray translated strings that are identical to the original values If checked and the translation is the same as the original, then the string is drawn as a gray color.
Hide selection when the focus shifts to another control If checked, the selected item is not highlighted when the grid does not have focus.
Highlight pseudo translations If checked and the translation is a pseudo translation, then the string is highlighted.
Highlight glossary matches in translations If checked and the translation has a glossary match, it is highlighted.
Highlight words when the mouse passes over them If checked, Soluling highlights each word when you move the mouse over the world.
Ignore case sorting

If checked, string case is ignored when sorting.

Mark ignored words If checked, marks the spell checking ignored words.
Mark long translations by colors If checked, Soluling marks a long translation with red color.
Mark long translations by percentages If checked, Soluling shows a percentage value with long translations. The value shows in percents how much longer the translation is compared to the original value.
Natural string sorting

If checked, a natural string sorting order is used. Natural ordering is a kind of alphanumerical sort that seems natural to humans.

In a classical alphanumerical sort, we will have something like:

1 10 11 12 2 20 21 3 4 5 6 7  

If you're using natural ordering, it will be:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 20 21  
Scale images If checked, application scales images in order to fit them into the grid cell.
Show color depth of images If checked, the image pixel depth is written on the upper right corner of the cell. This is used only with BMP images.
Show dimensions of images If checked, the image size is written on the upper right corner of the cell.
Show file size of images If checked, the image file size is written on the upper right corner of the cell.
Show type of image If checked, the image type is written on the upper right corner of the cell.
Show white spaces and hidden characters If checked, white spaces and hidden characters are shown.
Show hints If checked, shows the hints (if any) when moving the mouse over grid items.
Show row status images If checked, shows the row status images on the left side of each row.
Toggle column sort orders by mouse clicks If checked, the sorting order of the column toggles if a mouse is click on the column header.
Toggle translation status by Ctrl+T shortkey If checked, the translation status toggles when Ctrl+T is pressed.
Toggle translation origin by Ctrl+O shortkey If checked, the translation origin toggles when Ctrl+O is pressed.
Toggle translation review status by Ctrl+R shortkey If checked, the translation review status (if used) toggles when Ctrl+R is pressed.
Toggle translation review status 2 by Ctrl+W shortkey If checked, the translation review status 2 (if used) toggles when Ctrl+W is pressed.
Set translation status complete and translation origin manual If checked, set the origin, translation status, and optionally review status to the complete state. Use Ctrl+B to set origin and status. Use Ctrl+N to set also the review status.
Show the translation candidate window If checked, application show the translation candidate window.
Add matching special characters when auto translating If checked, application adds the matching special characters to automatically added characters.