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Scan Rule of Delphi

Scan Rule of Delphi

Use this dialog to edit a scan rules of Delphi forms.

Component type

Enter the type name of the component where the property belongs. Enter this value only if the property is component-specific. If you want to scan all the same name properties no matter the component's type, leave this value empty. The value can contain wild cards (* and ?). If the property rule is a rule of a component, this edit is hidden.

Property name

Enter the name of the property. The value can contain wild cards (* and ?) such as *Font.

You can leave the property name empty if Operation is Exclude. This will disable the scanning of the whole component. The component and all its properties and sub components (if any) will be ignored.

Property value

Enter the property value. If you enter a value then the rules is applied only if the property value is the same as this property value.


Specifies if the property is localized or not. Possible values are:

Exclude Properties matching this rule are not localized.
Localize Properties matching this rule are localized.
Hide Properties matching this rule are scanned but hidden.


Select the type of property. Possible values are

Value Property type Description
Default any Soluling detects the property value and uses an appropriate parser to scan it.
Expression string Property has a structured format and Soluling uses an expression (see Expression below) to defined the format.
Picture binary Property has binary image data where there is the image class name following with the image data.
Image with size binary Property has binary image data where there is the image size following the image data.
Plain image binary Property has plain binary image data.
Image list binray Property has binary image list data. TImageList uses this format.
List view data binary Property has binary list view data. TListView uses this format.
Legacy list view data binary Property has binary legacy list view data used in early Delphi versions.
Tree view data binary Property has binary tree view data. TTreeView uses this format.
Legacy tree view data binary Property has binary legacy tree view data used in early Delphi versions.
DevExpress tree list data binary Property has binary DevExpress tree list data. TcxTreeList uses this format.
HTML string Property has a string that contains HTML data.
XML string Property has a string that contains XML data. Some 3rd party components have special properties that contain multiple values in a single property by storing the data in XML. Most often, this XML contains only a few elements that should be localized, and all others must be left intact. This is why you can add selection items that specify what elements of the XML are localized. When selected, the dialog shows a selection list edit where you can edit the selection list.

If you don't know the format, leave it to default. If the property you want to scan is so complex that default does not work and you can not use either expression or XML format, contact us to check if we can implement a dedicated parser for that property.


If the selected format is Expression, then the property value is structured. Eenter the regular expression that defines the structure. When Soluling scans the property is checks if the property value matches the structure. If it does, Soluling applies the structured scanning. If not, the string is scanned as it is.

You can test the expression by entering a sample string and clicking the Process button.


Specifies the property options.

Scan TStrings items into a single row Check this if you want to scan a string list value as a single string instead of each line as a separate string.
Support UTF-8 strings (vaUTF8String) Check this if the property can contain UTF-8. Used only if the property type is string.
Support &Wide strings (vaWString) Check this if the property can contain UTF-16. Used only if the property type is string.