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Delphi form options

Delphi form options

Use this sheet to specify Delphi form related options.


Specifies various options.

Value Description
Scan All Images If checked, all images (including form and resource images) are scanned.
Scan visual properties of forms If checked, all visual properties such as Width and Height are scanned. Uncheck this if you want to make your project file smaller.
Use visual editors If checked, a visual form editor is shown when a form node is selected in the project tree.
Use auto-mapping If checked, a visual form editor uses automatic mapping for 3rd party controls.
Use smart index If checked, Soluling locates array properties by original value instead of the index.

Form display name

Specifies what display name is shown in the project tree. Possible values are:

Value Description
Use form's type name except if it is TForm. If it is TForm, use the object name.
Type name Use form's type name such as TForm1
Object name Use form's object name such as Form1
Filename Use form's file name such as Unit1.dfm