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Create a New Soluling Project

Create a New Soluling Project

Creating a new Soluling project is easy. First, you have to decide what is the item you need to localize. If you have an application project and Soluling knows the project format (e.g., Visual Studio project, Delphi project, Android Studio project), locate the project file. If you want to localize a local database, locate the database file (e.g., .db or .accdb). If you want to localize a server database, get the server address and the login credentials. Otherwise, locate the file or files your want to localize. Once you know what to localize, you can create a Soluling project.

Single file

New from file

You have three way to select the file:

  1. Drag and drop the file to the main window of Soluling.
  2. Click the New form File or Files button on the main window (see the above image).
  3. Click File | New | New from File or Files button on the ribbon item.

All these perform the same action and start the Project Wizard. It collects the information needed to create a new Soluling project, such as localization options, original language, and target languages. Once the wizard completes, Soluling creates a new project and scans it for the first time. Finally, Soluling opens the projects, and it will be ready for translation.

Multiple files

New from files

If you have multiple files to localize, you can use wild cards (* and ?). Click the New from File or Files button on the main window (see the above image) or Click File | New | New from File or Files button on the ribbon item to select one of the files.

Single file selected

Once selected, check All similar files. The file name changes to *.htm.

Source with a wildcard selection

Now the source includes all .htm file in the current directory and its subdirectories. If you want to exclude the subdirectories, you can do that after the project is created by right-clicking *.htm in the project tree and choosing Options. Uncheck Localize similar files in the subdirectories as well.

How to disabled subdirectories

Click OK to close the dialog and then scan the project.

SQL databases

New from server database

If you want to localize a server database, you cannot use the above process. Instead, click New from SQL Database button on the main window (see the above image), or click File | New | New from SQL Database ribbon item.

Directory-based projects

New from a directory based project

Some projects do not have a project file, but the root directory serves as a project file. The following table contains such projects:

Type Description
ASP.NET Web Site An ASP.NET Web Site project
HTML project A directory based HTML project
Java EE project A Java Enterprise Edition project
PHP project A PHP project

To create a project for a directory-based project, click the New from Directory button on the main window (see the above image) or click File | New | New from Directory ribbon item. Browse the directory and select the project type.

A directory based HTML project