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Visual Studio Solution File

Visual Studio Solution File

Use this sheet to specify the Visual Studio solution file that contains files you want to localize.


Specifies the Visual Studio solution file (.sln).

Main configuration

Most Visual Studio solutions and projects contain more than one configuration. By default, each solution contains both Debug|AnyCPU, and Release|AnyCPU configuration. Both configurations produce a different output file(s). This combo box specifies the configuration of the solution that is used when building localized files.

In addition to this main configuration, you might have other configurations whose output files you want to localize. For example, you might have another configuration for 64-bit files. 32-bit files are the main files that each sub source contains. 64-bit files would be added as platform files. Use the next two items, Show platform files and Include files from these configurations as platform files, to control if and what platform files are added.

Show configurations

If checked, Soluling shows the additional configurations, so you can check if you want to build localized files for them too.

Process also these additional configurations specifies the the additional configuration that Soluling processes. Check those configurations whose output files you also want to localize. Soluling creates output files for each selected configuration.