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Visual Editors

Visual Editors

When Soluling scan files that have been added into the project, Soluling extracts elements that need to be localized. The strings, images, and other values from the elements are editable on the translation grid that is an Excel type of grid. However, in most cases, it is not enough to see just the original string value (plus an optional comment) to translate it correctly. You need more information. You need to see where the string comes from or where it is used. Therefore Soluling has visual editors. Their purpose is to show elements or entire files as WYSIWYG.

Not all the elements or nodes have visual editors. They are used with those nodes that contain some meaningful visual information. For example, dialog nodes or XML nodes can provide valuable information through visual editors. However, a string table cannot provide this. There are two kinds of visual editors: previews and full editors.

If you want to move or resize a control, use the mouse to select it. Then use either the mouse or keyboard to move or resize the selected item. If you use the mouse, drag the component to move it. To resize, drag one of its trackers. To move using the keyboard, press the Ctrl+arrow key. To resize, press the Shift+arrow key.

Different Platforms

Each programming platform has its own set of user interface controls. This is why dialog/form editors of Soluling are platform-specific. There is an editor for Delphi, Windows Forms, WPF, and Visual C++. Each platform-specific editor provides similar features, but the internal implementation is different. Each editor uses the native controls of the platform to show forms and controls. This makes it possible to provide 100% right WYSIWYG. Form and controls on Soluling's editor show up just like in the development tools (Delphi, Visual Studio, etc.). Even if you use 3rd party controls, Soluling can show them visually correctly. Some platforms, such as .NET require a runtime platform in order to work. If you are the developer, you have the right runtime platform already installed, and Soluling can automatically use it. If your translator does not have the same version of the runtime platform, Soluling cannot start the visual editor. In order for the translator to use the editor, he or she must install the right runtime. In such a case, Soluling will show the translator a dialog that explains this and contains a URL where the translator can download and install the right runtime.


Soluling's visual editor for Delphi forms is a full editor with component mapping. The editor shows all the standard VCL, Raize/Konpka Signature, and TMS UI Pack controls visually in the same way they would appear in the application when running it. However, if you use other 3rd party controls or your own controls, the editor tries to map them to the nearest VCL controls. You can also map them manually. If not mapped, the editor shows only the type of control and the position and size of the control. For example, the following form contains a standard TLabel that is shown normally and a custom TMyLabel that is shown as a yellow box.

Visual editor

This lets you move and resize all 3rd party controls even the editor does not fully render them.

Even Soluling does not have an editor for FireMonkey, Soluling can localize all FireMonkey applications.

Windows Forms (.NET)

The visual editor for Windows Forms is a preview editor with component mapping. The editor only shows the localized windows or page but does not let you modify it. The editor shows all the standard Windows Forms controls visually in the same way they would appear in the application when running it. However, if you use 3rd party controls or your own controls, Soluling first tries to load the assemblies you form uses. If that fails then the editor tries to map them to the nearest standard Windows Forms controls. If a control cannot be mapped the editor shows only the type of control and the position and size of the control. For example, the following form contains a custom MyLabel that is shown as a red box.

Unknown component

Some 3rd party assemblies such as ComponentOne require a license data. In that case Soluling's visual editor does not load the assembly.

Note! To enable the editor or preview, you need to have a matching .NET runtime installed. Windows 10 and later have pre-installed .NET Framework (4.0-4.8.1). However, if your Soluling projects contains .NET projects using .NET 2-3.x, you need to install a matching .NET runtime. If your Soluling project contains any .NET Core, .NET 5 or later projects, you must install .NET Core 3.1 runtime. If you install a runtime after you have already installed Soluling, you must register the add-ons by choosing File | Soluling Help | Register add-ons menu.


The visual editor for WPF is a preview editor. The editor only shows the localized windows or page but does not let you modify it. It can only show windows and pages that use the standard WPF controls. If you have any 3rd party or custom controls, the preview can not show them.

Note! To enable the editor or preview, you need to have a matching .NET runtime installed. Windows 10 and later have pre-installed .NET Framework (4.0-4.8.1). However, if your Soluling projects contains .NET projects using .NET 2-3.x, you need to install a matching .NET runtime. If your Soluling project contains any .NET Core, .NET 5 or later projects, you must install .NET Core 3.1 runtime. If you install a runtime after you have already installed Soluling, you must register the add-ons by choosing File | Soluling Help | Register add-ons menu.

Visual C++

The visual editor for Visual C++ dialog is a full editor. The editor shows all the standard Windows dialog controls and lets you move and resize them.

HTML, SVG, XML, JSON, source code

The visual editor for above file format is a preview editor.