Soluling Resourcer |
Will be available in the future!
Soluling Resourcer, SoluResourcer.exe, is a tool that finds hardcoded strings from your source code files and replaces them with resource strings. Resourcer works on the following source code files:
and source code .ts
and source code: .cs
and .pas
Unlike Soluling, Resourcer modifies your source code. It scans the complete source code of a project to find strings. If found and they are not marked to be skipped, Resourcer refactors that part to use properly internationalized syntax.
Adds i18n attribute to a template string. Wraps the hardcoded source code string with $localize call.
Wraps hardcoded strings with IStringLocalizer or IViewLocalizer instance.
Adds hardcoded strings to a .resx file and replaces the strings with the resource string.
Creates a local resource string containing the hardcoded strings and replaces the strings with the resource strings.