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gettext options

gettext options

Use this sheet to specify the properties of the PO file and how the file is read.

Programming language

Specifies the programming language of the file where the PO file is extracted from. Each item is .po/.pot file should contain the source code format in #, line. If the line contains the format, then it is used. If not, then the value of this programming language is used.


Specifies the framework where gettext is used.


Select the hotkey if any. If the combo box does not contain the hotkey, you want just type it.


Specifies what additional information is extracted from PO files.

Check Read comment strings from PO file and insert them as row comments if you want that Soluling reads the translator comments (# ...) and the extracted comments (#. ...) from each PO entry and adds them as row comments to the Soluling project. If an item contains both the translator comment and the extracted comment then combined value is used. If checked use Comment tag to be removed combo box if a leading part of the comment (i.e. comment tag) will be removed. Read more about the comment format in here.

Check Read strings locations from PO file and insert them as row comments if you want that Soluling reads string locations (#: ...) from each PO entry and adds them as row comments to the Soluling project.

Check Read translator information from PO file if you want that Soluling reads translator information section from PO file.

Original value

Specifies what are the values in the original column. Possible values are:

Value Description

The value of msgid is used. Default.

msgstr The value of the msgstr field is used. If that is empty or missing, then msgid is used.