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Mappings are a list of rules that specify how to show a 3rd party or custom component on a form/dialog editor. Mappings are used in the following platforms:

Platform Description
Delphi, VCL The standard VCL and Raize/Konopka Signrature components do not need mapping because the real components are used. All other components need a mapping, or a yellow box is shown at the place of the component.
Windows Forms The standard Windows Forms components do not need mapping because the real components are used. All other components need a mapping, or a red box is shown at the place of the component.

Note! Mapping is not required for localization. It is used for convenience to provide better visual editing. Use scan rules to specify what properties are localized.

You can edit the rules (add, delete or modify). Click Options | Platforms | <platform> | <platform> component mapping. <platform> is either VCL or Windows Forms.

Auto mapping

The default mappings rules of Soluling contain several wild card mapping. These are so called auto mapping rules that Soluling uses if the source has auto mapping turned on (by default on). When auto mapping is on, Soluling tries to detect the type of the component based on its type name. For example, TMyLabel auto maps to a label because the type name ends with Label.