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Output options

Output options

Use this sheet to specify write related HTML options. Possible values are:

Value Description
Modify content language

If checked, Soluling adds the language and encoding attributes in the localized HTML files. If the file already contains them Soluling updates the content attributes.

HTML 4: the following two lines will be added to head-section:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="de">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

HTML 5: the following two linese will be added:

<html lang="de">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
Copy all files If checked, Soluling copies all original files to the localized directotirs.
Copy images If checked, Soluling copies original image files to the localized directories.
Update dir attribute of the body tag If checked, Soluling adds the following attribute when creating Middle Eastern HTML files:
<body dir="rtl">
If the attribute already exists, Soluling updates the value of the attribute.
Update image sizes If checked, Soluling updates the image size attributes to match the localized image (if any) when writing localized HTML files.
Update image style sizes

If checked, Soluling updates the image size values in style attributes to match the localized image (if any) when writing localized HTML files.
For example, if the size of the original image is 100x100 but the translated image is 110x110 then original vallue

style="width:100px; height:100px;"

becomes to

style="width:110px; height:110px;"