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Soluling's Data Directory

Soluling's Data Directory

Soluling's API source code and sample files are written in a directory where you have the write access. This directory is either a program data directory such as C:\ProgramData\Soluling or a user's personal directory such as C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Soluling. You choose which one during the setup process. The directory contains the following items:

Item Description
Library The directory that contains the full source code and documentation of Soluling API.
Samples The directory that contains the sample projects.
Soluling.nto The file that contains Soluling's settings.
Glossary.db The file of the default glossary database. This won't be created until needed.
TranslationMemory.db The file of the default translation memory database. This won't be created until needed.

Files are also in GitHub.